University Projects

Game Dev Website

  • Ruby, SCSS, JS
  • Jekyll

Created a website for the Game Development Society that I helped start. Contains custom events and committe pages, as well as automatic email genetation. This portfolio was based off the styling for that project, with both being based on this jekyll theme


EdFlix Fullstack Team Project

  • Ruby
  • Sinarta, PortgreSQL

University Team Project in which we must create and present a web application in Ruby for the discovery of on-line courses. This is written using ruby and sinatra, using erb for the creation of dynamic webpages and sqlite as a backend. This project demonstrates my ability to work collaborativley as well as my commuication skills during conversations with both the client and larger presentations.

MiRo ML Team Project

  • Python
  • Robotics

As part of a machines and intelligence module my team worked on creating a model based reflex agenct capable of navigating in a real world environment using Python and the University of Sheffield’s MiRo robots. This project cumulated in a final report showing the development process and data analytics showing a consistently fast solve time for any situations it was given.

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