Personal Projects

Sheffield Bus Tracker

  • Ruby, Sinatra, Svelte
  • Google Maps API, Govt. Transport API

This projects involves using the web framework svelte in order to create a static web app capable of using public APIs to track the location and live timetable information of busses around Sheffield, since many are often cancelled with the timetable not updating to reflect this. Combined with the Google Maps API this project should be abile to provide routing information with a greater accuracy.


ShefJam 9

  • C#
  • Unity

In ShefJam 9 my team submitted a roguelike type game in order to fit the theme of ‘villain’. We created this game in unity using only our own assets and code for all aspects of the game including enemy controllers, item management, item tracking audio and graphics. From this we won ‘best interpretation of theme’ for the project.


Will’s Player

  • JS

Will’s player is a youtube music front-end written in vanilla JS for compatibility. It uses the open-source Piped API as a webscraper in in order to play video using basic HTML audio elements.


Finance Fate (HackSheffield 7)

  • C#
  • ASP.NET, Bootstrap

Finance Fate was my team’s entrance into HackSheffield 7, a Hackathon in which teams have 26 hours in order to complete the best hack or software. This project was a guessing game based on financial data provided by Capital One’s API, and won the prize for the best use of the data.

Space Clash

  • C#
  • Unity

Space Clash was a web based unity game created for my Extended Project Qualification at college. It features many fully functional online party modes, and was created in response to the Covid-19 lockdown. While the servers have been shut down the tutorial and offline modes are still online and playable in the browser.


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