
Introduction to Software Engineering

Introduction to Software Engineering is a year-long model covering all aspects of Software Development, from initial design and user stories, to full implementation, testing and review.

Some key skills learned include:

  • Ruby Programming
  • Agile Software Development

Logo CC: software engineering by Silviu Ojog from Noun Project


Foundations of Computer Science

Foundations of Computer Science covers all of the integral maths and logic behind all areas of computer science and algorithms.

Logo CC: Venn Diagram by iconeu from Noun Project


Java Programming

Java Programming teaches students all aspects of Java, including the Terminal, Object Oriented Programming, and a range of libraries.

Some key tools:

Logo CC: java by Vectplus from Noun Project


Machines and Intelligence

Machines and Intelligence teaches students all aspects of AI, including current and historical approaches. Machines and Intelligence also uses MIRO robots, in order to aid learning.

The current group project has students implement a Model based agent using MIROCODE

Logo CC: Artificial Intelligence by Aufa John from Noun Project


Devices and Networks

This module runs throughout the academic year, starting in Autumn and ending in Spring. The module consists of two parts. In the first, important elements of computer architecture are covered including digital logic, computer arithmetic and instruction set architecture. The approach in the module is to show how the basic elements of a computer are constructed and combined to give sophisticated architectures that support accelerated performance via cache memory and pipelining. The second half of the module shows how computing devices can be connected into networks, and covers the principles of layered protocols, error detection/correction and reliable transmission over networks. Source

Logo CC: AND Gate by M. Oki Orlando from Noun Project


Web and Internet Technology

This module covers all aspects of web development, from accessibility to mobile-first responsive web design.

This module also goes on to cover JavaScript, legal issues and Information Security

Logo CC: web by Ralf Schmitzer from Noun Project